
Half Share Sign Up

Basic Info

Up to 4 Email Addresses:

- required

Mailing Address:

Are you a new member?

Please check all pick-up days that fit your schedule.

June 16
June 30
July 14
July 28
August 11
August 25
September 8
September 22
October 6
October 20
(not an option for Abundance shares)

June 23
July 7
July 21
August 4
August 18
September 2 (Tuesday!)
September 15
September 29
October 14 (Tuesday!)
October 27
(not an option for Abundance shares)

June 20 (Friday!)
July 3
July 17
July 31
August 14
August 28
September 11
September 25
October 9
October 23

June 26
July 10
July 24
August 7
August 21
September 4
September 18
October 2
October 16
October 30

Abundance Pickup Location (THURSDAYS ONLY)

Sign Me Up!

I understand that farming carries with it dependence on the weather and other natural events that can be beyond the control of the farmer and can affect the quantity and quality of some of the produce. But, I also look forward to sharing in the numerous rewards that come with locally and organically grown produce. I understand that my share will be ready for me to pick up only on my designated pick-up day.

***MAKE SURE TO CHECK YOUR EMAIL FOR CONFIRMATION*** Said email may end up in your spam folder. It will contain payment options.