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Our Fields

Welcome to our home! A farm's sense of place comes from it's fields, and as we spend more and more time in them, each field takes on a personality of it's own. We know how they react to wind, rain, cold... They take on their own names, like "Pumpkin Field" (regardless of what's being grown there), "Long North" and "Bowl."
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The Harvest

Harvesting is the icing on the cake! It takes a long time for vegetables to grow from tiny seeds all the way to harvest size, and lots of things happen to them along the way... starting in the greenhouse, getting planted in the field, getting cultivated and watered and pampered... it's always a small miracle when everything works out and we get to harvest!
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Our members pick up their shares Monday and Thursday evenings. Distribution is when the magic happens; there's questions answered, veggies tasted, hula-hooping. Members catch up with us and with each other, kids play in the mud, and some people hang around for hours.

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The Pick-Your-Own Experience

Our CSA members get access to our Pick-Your-Own fields whenever they want to pick; it doesn't have to be at the same time as CSA distribution, or even on the same day. That way folks can come out when they have some time, bring their kids, maybe a picnic or the inlaws. We create this section of the farm as a garden oasis... it's where you can lose time listening to the birds and playing in the dirt, tasting cherry tomatoes and green beans, picking flowers, introducing your kids to bugs and worms and the place where their food comes from.

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Sample Shares

These photos were taken during the 2016 season as an example of what your share could look like each week. Included in the photos are some of the PYO options available each week, but by no means all of them. We missed a few weeks here and there due to busy schedules, but fortunately we have pictures of the "menu" for those weeks. Hopefully this gives you the scope of how the share looks and changes through the season!

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